David C. Hamilton
Information on the David C. Hamilton Research Award
The Pennsylvania Association of Orthodontists’ David C. Hamilton Orthodontic Research Award was initiated to further our organization’s mission of supporting continuing education and research at orthodontic programs in Pennsylvania.
The award is named in honor of Dr. David C. Hamilton of New Castle, Pa. Few orthodontists in our state have contributed more to our specialty than Dr. Hamilton. He was one of the original founders of the Pennsylvania Association of Orthodontists. He served as its President as well as President of the American Association of Orthodontists. He lectured around the world to orthodontic groups and graduate students.
The award is available to current graduate students or recent graduates (within the past year) of a Pennsylvania orthodontic program.
Pennsylvania orthodontic program applicants can submit their research papers in PDF file format along with their contact information to:
PO Box 96
Green Lane, PA 18054-0096
Or to: PAOrthodontists@comcast.net